Given the fact that the AAP had denied Intact America a booth on their tradeshow premises, nevermind the name and description of this workshop, nevermind the AAP's latest policy statement on infant circumcision, and nevermind their refusal to publish letters of opposition, Intactivists assumed the workshop speaker was going to toe the AAP party line on infant circumcision.
However Tweets from within AAP shindig say that something rather different from the workshop's description transpired. According to one Dr. Daniel Flanders:
"Dr. Homsy: Those who oppose circumcision are conveying an important message and their voices should be heard."
Queried that this was hardly the message in the session's abstract, Dr. Flanders further Tweeted:
"I noticed that discrepancy as well. The lecture was not as described in the program. Focus was on medically necessary circ."
Challenged on his own views, he Tweeted:
"My personal views are irrelevant. Professionally, I do not do circumcisions."If I'm understanding correctly, the only presenter on circumcision at the AAP tradeshow, who was supposed to give a pro-circ message, ended up telling his audience they should listen to those protesting outside instead. And, instead of focusing on how to become a prolific mutilator of healthy children's genitals, he focused on medically necessary circumcision. (The only kind of circumcision intactivists believe should ever happen in non-consenting minors.)
Curiouser and curiouser...
Source: Circumstitions News
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