In my last post, I wrote about how the AAP decided to kick out the intactivist organization Intact America from within their 2012 trade show. I speculated that the AAP made this decision because they saw Intact America as a threat.
Kicking out Intact America from their 2012 trade show wouldn't have been their only attempt at silencing dissent; the AAP has taken the liberty of taking down, and refusing to publish moderate, referenced, well-researched letters in opposition on their website.
Now, it appears, the AAP is trying to silence dissent outside of their trade show. Intactivists have managed to launch a small, but very vocal protest outside of the facilities where the AAP is hosting their trade exhibition, and the AAP is trying to get them shut down.
Intactivist Protesters Outside of the 2012 AAP Trade Show
It is now ever clear that the AAP has made a huge mistake, they know it, and they are feeling the burn. It is now clear that self-serving forces with an agenda are working from within the AAP to silence dissent. They are intimidated by intactivists and terrified of the truth; their actions of fear and apprehension prove it.
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”~Buddha
"Truth suppress'd, whether by courts or crooks, will find an avenue to be told."
~Sheila Steele
"You can fool some people, some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time."
The AAP is mistaken if it thinks they can hide the truth from everyone. They may withhold letters of opposition, and kick out groups they do not like from their trade shows, but they WILL NOT SILENCE US.
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